Learning through play, award-winning music by Funky Feet Music will teach children early physical literacy skills. Building strength and coordination with their bodies. A fun way to engage young children in physical activity using music. 180 minutes a day is recommended by the Chief medical officers and the EYFS guidelines. Designed by experts in this field, this Children’s music resource will support you in delivering this in a fun, multi-sensory way. The words consist of short, simple, repeated phrases to support early language skills, colour, days of the week, numbers and much much more.
1. Welcome (Greeting and Movement)
2. Nursery Rhyme Medley (Baa Baa, Hickory Dickory, Mary Mary, 12345)
3. Colours of the rainbow (Colours, Sequencing, Echo Singing)
4. Pirates Life for Me (Pirate Song, Role Play and Counting)
5. Elephants have wrinkles (World Music, Body Awareness, Sequencing)
6. Bean bag song (Balance, Body Awareness, Handling Objects)
7. Days of the Week (Movement, Sequencing and Alliteration)
8. Mick the Mechanic (Role Play, People who help us)
9. Jump, Jump, Jump (Gross Motor Movement, Echo Singing) See video clip
10. This Big! How Big! (Humorous, Contrasting Size, Gross Motor)
11. Time to spin (Balance and directional language)
12. Driving a Police Car (Role Play, Positional Language)
13. Help One Another (Helping with the jobs around the house)
14. Legato Staccato (Instrumental) (Contrasting Movement, Parachute & Scarves)
15. Wibble Wobble (Circle Dance, Directional Language)
16. Dancing Clown (Reacting to Sound, Role Play, Contrasting Music)
17. Learning Through Play (Bungee Dancing, Positional Language)
18. Oh, When the Band (Instrumental Playing, Contrasting Loud and Quiet)
19. Funky Groove (Echo Singing, Gross Motor)
20. Magic Finger (Mark Making, Positive Touch and Relaxation)
For personal use only. You MUST have a licence giving you permission to use our material for business or in groups. We are not members of the PRS or any other licensing authority, so a PRS or PPL Licence will not give you relevant permissions.